

Collective Mind Series

— The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science —
Albert Einstein

Boundarie Series

— Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy —
Ludwig Van Beethoven

Geode Eyes Series

— I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way —
Georgia O’Keeffe

Sur Mer Series

— All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was —
Toni Morrison

Life in Mariana Deep

— Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere —
Carl Sagan

Terra Incognita Series

— The beauty of chemistry is that I can design my own molecular world —
Ben L. Feringa

Unzen Series

— There is clearly an established physiological mechanism through which color and light can affect mood, heart rate, alertness, impulsivity… —
Stephen Westland

G Field Series

— Spacetime tells matter how to move; matter tells spacetime how to curve —
John Archibald Wheeler

I have worked on color distribution to visualize observable natural facts, drawing from different fields in science.

Isolation helps me keep the flow of dialogue uninterrupted between my art and myself. For years I avoided influences from various art movements out of the conviction that I had to walk this path alone.

Paul Halpern PhD
Professor of Physics, University of the Sciences, Philadelphia, PA

Dear Nouzha,
Thanks for sharing images of your experimental artwork. It is truly brilliant. What an amazing idea to employ physical ideas to create your art. I am highly impressed. Your website design is phenomenal too; it really highlights the range of your work. I like the references to physicists who are very familiar to me. Yes I can see your art being used as a tool to help understand science.
All the best

Participated with my piece “Black Hole Radiation” – Street Painting Festival, Bay Area, CA
Sponsored by San Francisco International Airport, Italian Festival, Bay Area, CA
“Collective Mind” painting – Published in The Encyclopedia of Living Artists, Los Angeles, CA
Finalist: Award Sponsor: FASO; Judge: BoldBrush Jury
Visual Projection – International Progressive Rock Festival, Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, CA
Multiple Projections – Cell Space, San Francisco, CA
Solo Projection – Chabot Space Planetarium, Oakland, CA
Multiple Solo Open Studios – Bay Area, CA

Completed fourteen courses in Art & Design – U.C Berkeley, CA
Four year Ph.D. program, International Comparative Education (France)
Took independent filmmaking courses from some of the greatest movie Directors.


Tel: 415.521.6023
San Francisco, California
Califon, New Jersey
United States

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